Folklore and tall tales at January WordFest

Portland author Jamie Duclos-Jourdon will be reading from his debut novel at the first WordFest gathering of the year, next Tuesday, January 10, 6:00-8:00 pm. at Cassava.

Froelich’s Ladder, published by Forest Avenue Press, is a tall tale about a tall ladder and the two German immigrant brothers who built it. Set in the Pacific Northwest of the 1870s, it combines the historical with the fantastical.


Local folklorist Leslie Slape talked with Jamie about his book recently on KLTV’s Book Chat. You can watch the interview here: Book Chat.





David Martin will be reading from The Secret of the Lake, first in his six-book Middle Grade fiction series, titled The Adventures of Sugar Dog, about “one very special dog and four boys who are at that magical age of twelve.”

There are rumors of old treasure buried out near the lake just west of Capeview.  When a book on the town’s history is stolen from the public library, several strange events and the boys’ curiosity lead to a frightening encounter with the hermit who lives on the spit between the bay and the ocean.

David is a singer, songwriter, musician, poet, disc jockey and news reporter, based in Astoria.


There will be an open mic period following the presentations at 7:30 pm. People are welcome to read their writing for ten minutes each.

The monthly gathering of readers and writers meets the second Tuesday of each month, 6:00-8:00 PM, at Cassava, 1333 Broadway in Longview. The events are free and open to the public.

Cassava offers a dinner menu for those who wish to enjoy a meal with the readings, as well as local wines and brews.