WordFest takes summer break in August

There will be no WordFest gathering in August. We will resume our monthly get togethers on Tuesday, September 6th.

Good reading!  Good writing!

WordFest Workshop on Story Spinning

Saturday, August 13,  9:30-12:00, $10

CAP Conference Room,

1529 Commerce Avenue, Longview

You have an idea for a story or a novel. Now what? Or maybe your story has dead-ended. What to do?

The creative process of “spinning” stories is part conscious (we invent, we plot, we “make up”) and part unconscious (we discover–and sometimes are surprised at what we find bubbling up from the subconscious.) This two-hour, interactive workshop explores and experiments with a variety of techniques that cultivate both conscious and unconscious processes. Participants will be invited to workshop their own story ideas, using this tool kit of techniques.

Workshop leader: Alan Rose

Pre-registration necessary. Contact Alan at alan@alan-rose.com.

July WordFest explores changes in the book publishing world

On Tuesday, July 5, editor and publisher John Morgan will give an overview to current publishing options available to authors, including traditional print publishing, print-on-demand services, and the rapidly growing world of e-books.

John founded Morgan Online Media earlier this year, an e-publishing company that is seeking to edit, publish, market and sell e-books by new and undiscovered authors. John has worked for several large media corporations, including three years as senior editor of the financial trade journal Money Management Executive. His articles have appeared in American Banker, Financial Planning, On Wall Street, Bank Investment Consultant, and Investment Dealer’s Digest.

Also that evening Kim Le will be reading from her book, 100 Snapshots of Struggle, Hope and Survival, which captures the experiences of Southeast Asian refugees who left their homelands and started new lives in the West.

Kim has worked with various social services for over thirty years.  She served as the Executive Director of New Americans Social and Cultural Assistance for almost 10 years, an organization that provides resettlement services for Slavic and Southeast Asian refugees and immigrants in Southwest Washington.   She has also been very involved in community building and empowerment since 1977. Copies of 100 Snapshots will be available that evening for a $5.00 to the Health &Well Being Foundation.

Linda Eddleston will be reading poems that she and her daughter wrote and published in a booklet entitled, Poetry A Through Z.Linda , a retired teacher, will be discussing why people write poetry and providing handouts with different styles of poetry. Copies of the booklet will be available for $10.00.

WordFest is a gathering of readers and writers who meet on the first Tuesday of each month from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at The Brits, 1427 Commerce Avenue in Longview. Following the evening presenters, there is an open mic time where the audience can read their own material.

The events are free and open to the public.