Guest Reviewer Leslie Slape kicks off WordFest 2010

Local storyteller and Daily News crime reporter Leslie Slape will be the first WordFest Guest Reviewer in 2010. Leslie will be reviewing stories by two newcomers and one long time regular at the monthly writers and readers gathering on Tuesday, January 5.

Dan Di Iullo will be reading a chapter from his novel, “White Rock Chronicles.” In addition to the novel, Dan has written a play that was performed at the Loves Street Playhouse in Woodland last November, and another play that will be produced at the Astor Street Opry Playhouse in Astoria in February.

E. Bryan Calhoun has been writing for a number years, especially screenplays. He will be reading a short story entitled, “Fireman, Brothers are Forever,” about a young man whose family died in a fire that he believes he caused.

The third presenter will be Ned Piper, a regular at WordFest and one of its founders. Ned will read a short story entitled, “Too Big for His Britches,” concerning some mobsters welcoming home one of their members who spent a week with the boss at his villa in Puerto Vallarta. Ned, an avid reader, is also a Cowlitz PUD commissioner, and writes a monthly column for The Columbia River Reader.

WordFest occurs on the first Tuesday of each month, 6:00-8:00 pm, at The Brits Tea Shoppe, located at 1427 Commerce Avenue in Longview. It is free and open to the public, and offers an open mic time following the presenters.

A select menu is offered by Brits owner Alice Dietz for those who wish to enjoy a meal with the readings. Doors open at 5:30 pm.