May WordFest features young writer

On Tuesday, May 5, WordFest will feature one of the youngest writers who have ever presented at these monthly gatherings.

Audrey Spindle will be reading from her story, “Dragon Isle.” She describes herself as “a sixteen year old who wants to be a writer.” She began the story when she was fourteen, writing it for her brother, and notes, “Two years later…and it’s still not done!” (Welcome to my world, Audrey Spindle!)

Joining Audrey will be Gary Dickinson. Last September Gary published Reflections, a book about his sailing adventures. Since then, he has written four articles that have been published. He recently returned from a five-month Caribbean cruise on his sailboat. He says, “I enjoy writing because it allows me to share my experiences with others.”

The third presenter will be Dan Roberts. A local doctor, Dan has written articles for professional journals, and then several years ago turned to fiction. He is now completing a novel as well as a nonfiction book about a heart transplant. He will be reading from a new work, entitled, “The VRSA Syndrome,” the story of a doctor who struggles to rescue her best friend from a coma caused by a new migraine medication while investigating the fraud that led to the drug’s release.

The guest reviewer this month will be Lorna Moon, a former correspondent for The Japan Times (English Language Version), as well as an author of two novels, a three-act musical stage play, and several feature articles in publications worldwide. Lorna is a member of the Society of Authors (United Kingdom) and ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers.)

The Brits owner Alice Dietz opens the restaurant at 5:30 with a select menu for those who wish to enjoy dinner with the readings.

April WordFest: An Evening of First Chapters

Popular storyteller Leslie Slape will be the Guest Reviewer at the next WordFest gathering on Tuesday, April 7, 6:00-8:00 pm. Leslie, a writer, performer, and reporter for The Daily News, will be providing feedback to three writers that evening:

Paul Meyers, a wildlife biologist from Cathlamet, will be reading the first chapter from his novel in progress. He says that it’s about “a kid who drops out of college and moves to Las Vegas to become a professional poker player. It touches on themes of addiction, moral struggle, and the price of pursuing a dream.” Though having published articles in scientific journals, this is Paul’s first foray into fiction.

PUD Commissioner Ned Piper will also be reading the first chapter from his novel in progress, which he has titled Life at a Minimum. Only eight chapters into it, he says he’s not yet sure what it’s about.

Ruth Thompson will be changing roles that evening–from editor to writer–as she reads from the memoir she has started about her mother’s life. Ruth has edited inspirational children’s books, as well as novels for adults, and a biography on Buckminster Fuller. In 1999, she received an award for Best Editor from the Northwest Association of Book Publishers.

 Following the three presenters, there will be an open mic time when people can read their own material.

 The Brits owner Alice Dietz will offer a select menu for those who wish to enjoy dinner during the readings. The restaurant opens at 5:30 pm.

Writers are encouraged to sign up to present at the May WordFest.