March WordFest cancelled for Greg Mortenson in Longview

On Tuesday, March 1, Greg Mortenson, author of the bestselling “Three Cups of Tea” and “Stones into Schools,” will be in Longview for the day. Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 and 2010, Mortenson has inspired people the world over by his commitment to literacy through the building of more than 140 schools in rural and war-torn parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

He will be meeting with students during the day, and at 7:00 pm in the evening, he will be speaking to the community at RA Long High School auditorium. Tickets are available at for $35, or can be purchased at CAP, 1526 Commerce Ave., in Longview.

In honor of his visit, WordFest will not occur that night, and people are encouraged to attend Mortenson’s address at RA Long.

WordFest will resume on the first Tuesday of April (5th).