Foxglove Moments

Foxglove is the name of my property, five acres overlooking the Lewis River Valley that was covered with the wildflower when I first moved here in 1996.

Autumn Perfect

















The words of the American poet Robert Creeley seem applicable today:

"One day after another--
They all fit."





[First posted: November 12, 2014]






Even Squirrels Have Less Than Graceful Moments



Clearly an off-day for this
little arboreal acrobat,
but he quickly recovered his balance.

A lesson there for me.



[First posted: September 3, 2014]


[First posted: September 3, 2014]

This, too...






Occasionally, when walking this hillside,
weighed down by some momentary worry or woe,
I remind myself, This, too, shall pass

...and often find it already has.





[First posted: September 5, 2014]

The Further Adventures of Chip and Jay




Big Bird invariably wins, but I still like to root for the little guy.

He keeps coming back.



































[First posted: September 10, 2014]


Caught in Cobwebs




This morning:

Walked out of the house into a thousand invisible filaments,

Wrapping themselves about my face, in my hair, around my arms...

The great cobwebbery outdoors of late summer.






[First posted: September 15, 2014]



No one at home



Yes, spiders are kind of creepy, but they are such artists!

Actually, a number of artists I know are kind of creepy.





















[First posted: September 18, 2014]




It's beginning...


















Summer's slow daily slide into autumn,

Reminding us of the ephemeral nature of what was,

Heralding the uncertainty of what will be,

Manifesting the beauty of what is.







[First posted: September 22, 2014]



Sometimes it's a stretch











Sometimes you have to stretch yourself to get what you want,
if you really want it.

I've noticed there are no dithering Hamlets among chipmunks.




 [First posted: September 24, 2014]






The Season of Burning Bushes









Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries...

                                                   Elizabeth Barrett Browning





 [First posted: September 28, 2014]

Arachnid Art









Small spinners of exquisite art.

Up here on this hill,

I am surrounded by such art.

Too wondrous!




[First posted: October 3, 2014]